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How to Choose Litter Box that Suits Your Beloved Cats Best

As soon as you decide to adopt a cat, the very next thing that you need to keep in mind is to buy a litter box. You don’t want your cat to poop and pee here and there, right?

It’s important to choose a litter box that suits your cats well. They will not want to use the litter box if it’s too small or inconvenient to use.

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Therefore, it’s a very wise idea to think about some factors to get the best litter box for your beloved furry ball. Below, we have a simple guide on how to choose litter box that you can use as a reference.

How to Choose Litter Box

Choose the width

The very first step is to choose the size of the litter box which is the most important thing to consider. You have to make sure that the litter box is large enough for your cat to move comfortably and dig around freely. 

The rule of thumb is to choose a litter box that is as long as the cat (from nose to tail) and not any smaller. Keep in mind that cats don’t like to step on their deposits, so the space should allow them to do so.

Choose the height

The height of the litter box is determined by the behavior of your cats, here’s what you can consider:

  • Cats with normal behavior – Normal here means that the cat is not the ‘sprayer’ kind and doesn’t kick the litter much. The litter box around 5 to 7 inches high which is quite large is a good option,
  • Cats with ‘sprayer’ behavior – A higher litter box is needed if your cats tend to have sprayer and kicker behavior since you don’t want to keep cleaning the mess every time they do their business. However, make sure that the cat can get in and out easily without pain.
  • Cats with mobility issues – For cats with mobility problems, you need to choose a litter with at least one lower side. You can find litter boxes that are specifically designed for cats with this issue which typically comes with around 2.5 to 3.5 inches entry/exit side.

Choose the type

When it comes to litter boxes, there are two types that you can consider which are covered and uncovered. Again, the choice actually depends on your cats’ behavior and what they prefer. 

The covered litter box is good in controlling odor while the uncovered one is easier to use. Just make sure that you pick the covered litter box with convenient entry and if the cat develops arthritis or asthma, change the litter box to the uncovered one immediately.

So, the main reference to choosing the best litter box for your cat is to see how your cats behave daily. In general, as long as the litter box is large enough for the cats to move and dig around comfortably, they will love it.

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