
How To Save On Natural Gas Bills

The gas market is getting caught up in a frenzy that has hit the fuel, oil, and coal markets. In the US, supply is tight as the amount of natural gas in storage has seen lower levels. Furthermore, the cold spring weather followed by a heat wave has drastically increased demand at this time of year. As a result, building inventories for natural gas has become more difficult. Some of the gas that would be set aside for next winter is currently being used. This means that there’s less gas in storage right now, causing the increasing prices. 

With gas and electricity prices rising, consumers are looking for ways to save on their bills. In this article, we’re sharing a few strategies to help lower your natural gas usage and, therefore, lower your bills.

  • Shop Around

One way to save money on natural gas bills is to change your supplier. If the prices from your current provider seem inflated, this may be because gas prices in the area are high. However, it’s always worth shopping around, allowing you to find a competitively-priced provider and save significant amounts.   

In parts of the US, like Georgia and Ohio, natural gas is deregulated, and consumers can shop to get the best rates. Natural gas in Georgia is very competitive, that’s why you need to shop around. That said, finding a suitable gas plan can be overwhelming. You can do your homework and make a list of the best providers in your area. 

To make it easier, consumers can shop online using a site like to compare rates and find the best plan.

  • Keep Up With Heating And Cooling System Maintenance

When considering how to save on natural gas bills at home, regular maintenance of your existing systems should be one of the things you need to do. Aging or improperly maintained natural gas furnaces, water heaters, and other appliances can become less energy-efficient as time passes. 

Without regular maintenance, these systems can become worn and dirty, reducing their working efficiency and adding strain on the system. As the system works longer and harder to maintain a comfortable temperature, the financial costs of operation also increase. 

So, keep your systems running efficiently by getting regular furnace inspections and maintenance. You should replace worn-out and leaky parts to keep your cooling and heating system from losing energy and ramping up your gas bills. 

  • Regulate The Thermostat

Controlling your thermostat is one of the easiest ways to lower your natural gas bills. To make significant savings, consider reducing the temperature of your thermostat by one degree per week until you and your family are comfortable with a temperature of 68°F. 

In addition, when no one’s home, you can switch it off or set it off to around 60°F

during the winter since heating your home during this time is only a waste of energy. 

You should also consider replacing your regular thermostat with a smart one. This allows you to program the thermostat to adjust the heat on a specific schedule. Some smart thermostats have sensors that automatically adjust temperatures. This can provide you with significant savings on your natural gas bills. 

  • Insulate

Properly insulating your home can help keep heat trapped inside and lower your energy bills. There are several ways to insulate your home. 

You can start by sealing the doors and windows with weatherstripping or caulk. Also, keeping your windows covered with blinds or curtains when it’s cold outside can help keep warm air in your home and reduce energy consumption. 

Also, you should insulate any openings. If you have an attic, consider getting an attic tent that helps keep hot air from escaping through the attic. Most importantly, you should insulate your water heater. This helps prevent hot water from cooling off faster. 

  • Turn Down Your Water Heater

Speaking of water heaters, did you know that it’s one of the most energy-intensive systems in your home? Thus, you want to make sure that your water heater isn’t using energy more than it needs. 

Other than insulating your water heater, you should also lower its set temperature. Most water heaters are set up to 120°F. However, most people don’t need water to be that hot. So, to save money, check your water heater and see if you can lower the temperature, while still allowing warm water for washing the dishes or taking showers. 

Take Away

The reliability and efficiency of natural gas make it one of the most favored energy sources in the US. However, if you’re concerned about the rising price of natural gas bills, following the above tips can help you lower your gas bills and gain more monthly savings. 

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